Expert Tutor – Karla Hendricks

Ms. Hendricks began tutoring informally in 1992; in 1998 she became certified with the College Learning and Reading Association (CRLA), and in 2004 she began doing business at Teach Me Time Educational Services. She has interspersed the years of formal and informal tutoring with completing a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Brigham Young University, working in curriculum development, and teaching in both charter and district schools, as well as teaching individuals and groups at home and in the community. She loves to discuss mathematics education, with a particular focus on teaching methods and curriculum choice. Her favorite part of tutoring is the change that occurs in students’ lives as they truly come to understand mathematics and mathematical thinking. Then, the choices available to that student expand as they are no longer bound by inability; they become free to purse their dreams.

Scholar Tutor – Garidon Hendricks

Garidon Hendricks has completed second semester college calculus, and began tutoring three years ago. He has also enjoyed studying a wide range of other college courses throughout his high school career, including chemistry, English, computer programming, and psychology. Outside of school and work you may find him cooking or playing the cello, though his favorite pursuit is designing and developing video games.